President's Message December 2018
December 2018
Dear Rotarians & Friends,
We are pleased to share that our 9th Annual Charity Golf tournament was another great fundraising success held on the 30th of November, with all proceeds dedicated to the implementation of our community service projects for the underprivileged. Our hats are off to the golf organizing committee whose intensive coordination and meticulous planning guaranteed another great day on the green for the participants, and also special thanks to all the local businesses for their generous support to make it happen.
The Rotary International monthly theme for December is Disease Prevention and Treatment. While Rotary’s priority is the eradication of polio worldwide, providing clean water and proper sanitation methods are the most effective ways that Rotary combats the spread of disease.
Please browse our Club web site for regular updates on our events and activities, and you are welcome to join us in our fellowship meetings and service activities. I look forward to seeing you there to Be the Inspiration.
Yours in Rotary,
Brian Anderson
President 2018-19